Becoming a member of the B&CSNA will help promote an appreciation of British and Commonwealth culture and issues and be associated with an organization that has a long history.
Membership Benefits:
- Newsletter
- Notifications of Upcoming Events
- Discounts at Events
- Socialize with members of Commonwealth nations
Membership Levels:
- Full membership: Open to born or naturalized subjects of the United Kingdom and their immediate family, and the Commonwealth countries, temporarily or permanently residing in North America.
- Associate membership: Open to those whose interests in British traditions are recognized by the Society. Such membership is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
- Honorary membership: Open to those with proven outstanding services to the Commonwealth in general and the Society in particular, when approved by the membership in the General Meeting.
Membership Categories
Single Membership
Family Membership
| Dues
$25 ($20 for students and seniors 60+)
$40 ($30 for senior family 60+)
Becoming a Member:
Membership runs annually from 1 July to 30 June each year. Dues from members joining after January 1 may be pro-rated. See attached membership application forms for rates and application procedures.
Please review membership information and Terms and Conditions before downloading this form.
Mail form to: B&CSNA P.O. Box 100171 Arlington, VA 22210-3171